Time To Furnish My Bungalow.

I have an incredibly traditional boyfriend. So traditional that he won't step foot inside my house. He feels as though he would be disrespecting my family to come kick back in my room despite the fact we've been together a year.

As a win win situation, Im setting up the bungalow in my back yard so we can use it as a kick back room. I've decided on white, black and yellow. Here's some cushions I found in Target. They will go perfectly on the white leather couches I just bought from the St Vinnies thrift store.

I think ill start a decorating series as my bedroom and bungalow are about to get a make over.


paige said...

love a traditional man! so sexy!
cant wait to see the bedroom makeover :) xx

Anastasia Bliss said...

thanks hun. it's funny, i'm almost finished.. and POW, we break up. lol. at least ill have a funky kick back room for movie nights.


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