Dorothy, I Moved Out Of Kansas.

I've spent all night looking for a suitable apartment/house/unit to rent. 

I decided last week that it's time to take a step up in life and I am ready for a change so tonight I made it official and moved out of home. I'm one of those people who puts their mind to something and has to do it instantly, no stuffing around. I'm not in the strongest financial position at the moment so I've arranged to stay with a friend for a few days and then reevaluate my money situation. I personally think I'm at an advantage because I already pay my mum rent etc so I'm accustomed to bills, rent and other outgoing expenses. I have lived on my own before so I'm not intimidated by the thought although it could potentially be lonely.. Cue room-mate. I have already discussed the possibilities with a friend and it's looking very positive! 

Either way, alone or with a friend I am ready for that official adult step of renting my own house.

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Skye said...

OMG Goodluck hun insha'allah it all works out im gonna miss seeing you on Tannah's Vlogs.


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